Oh, hey there! So you wanna know a little more about us and how our little spot of sunshine Waterlemon came to be? Well, I’m happy to tell you the story!
The concept for Waterlemon came about when we moved back to Chicago from Los Angeles (where I was living for 8 sunny, glorious years!) It was the middle of winter 2017 and my daughter, Vivian, 8-months-old at the time, quickly got to know the all-too-familiar winter blues and cabin fever feelings – and before long, we were both longing for somewhere to escape to during the day! After scouring the internet and IG, I soon realized there were verYYYYYy few baby/little kid-friendly places in our area for her to play, so we started venturing into the city to seek out such places.
After a while, the long drive and expensive parking (tickets) got to us (both) and I started to think – “I can’t be the only mom struggling to find something like this…” And it turns out, I wasn’t. So the work and research began!
The goal was to create a stylish, cozy and modern indoor play space (and party venue) where children could play creatively and peacefully and parents could relax with their coffee (and snap a few adorable pics of their little ones in the process ;) I designed it in such a way that mom and dad could sit in our café area and have that conversation, send that email, take that call and still keep a watchful eye on their little one. The aesthetic is bright, crisp and pulls inspiration from my time on the West Coast – where the sun always shines and so do smiles!
As a self-proclaimed OCD clean freak, I knew that paramount to our success was going to be that Waterlemon, before anything else, be CLEAN. So from day one we’ve been dedicated to rigorous cleaning practices that ensure that every child who plays with us, can do so knowing they’re safely doing so.
I sincerely hope that your days at Waterlemon will provide long-lasting, fond memories for you and your children and that it will be the place your family turns for all things family fun! We are so proud of our little family business and hope you’ll come PLAY|SHOP|PARTY with us soon!